Thursday, August 2, 2012

RocketChix - Where it All Begins! - Triple Trouble + 1


  1. Replies
    1. If no one looks good in them then why are we wearing them?!?!?!

  2. I think we all look good!

    I started out the week Well but have been slipping already. I've been eating for two days straight! Tomorrow is a new day and I'm committed to getting back on track. I will be at Zumba at 9:00 in case anyone cares to join me. I'm taking the class not teaching it.

    Starting Tuesday its STD Tuesdays! Sisters Training Day!

    1. Same here. I did my Mon & Wed Spin classes as planned, but didn't make it to swim. So, I think I will join you at Zumba tomorrow!

      Can't wait for STD Tuesday!

    2. Yay! I'm so excited! We can do this!

  3. So what is Sister's Training Day?
    Haven't trained this week, except parking far out in the parking lot at work go make myself walk farther to and from the hospital, bought a sports bra, and i am actively looking for a good bike.

    Not putting those bike shorts back on til they look good on me!

    1. Hahaha! We thought it would help if we committed to a training day each week. Are you free on Tuesday mornings? This Tuesday, the 7th, we are going to either bike or walk at LSU.

  4. I just downloaded the Couch-to-5k app! It's a nine week program with three 20-30 minute trainings per week to get a coach potato to be able to run 3.1 miles! If you download it be sure to get the one ny It's $1.99.

    We can do this!

  5. Completed week 1, day 1 of "Couch to 5 K"!!
